When answering this question, it's important to demonstrate your ability to handle difficult situations with empathy and effectiveness. Start by explaining the importance of identifying the root cause of the underperformance. Provide examples of how you would communicate with the employee to understand their perspective and offer support. Discuss the steps you would take to create a performance improvement plan, including setting clear, achievable goals and providing regular feedback. Emphasize the importance of documentation and follow-up to ensure accountability and improvement. For example:
"When I notice an employee is underperforming, I first try to understand the underlying reasons by having a one-on-one conversation with them. I ask open-ended questions to get a sense of any challenges they might be facing, whether personal or professional. Once I have a clearer picture, I work with the employee to develop a performance improvement plan that includes specific, measurable goals and a timeline for achieving them. I also ensure they have the necessary resources and support to succeed. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions are crucial to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments. Documentation of these steps is important to track improvement and maintain accountability. Ultimately, my goal is to help the employee improve and succeed in their role."
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