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How do you approach appraising properties in areas with limited comparable sales data?

Your Answer

How To Answer This Question?

When answering this question, it's important to demonstrate your ability to adapt and use various appraisal methods when faced with limited comparable sales data. Start by acknowledging the challenge and then discuss specific strategies you would employ, such as:

  1. Cost Approach: Explain how you would use the cost approach, which involves calculating the cost to rebuild the property from scratch, minus depreciation.
  2. Income Approach: If applicable, discuss how you would use the income approach, which involves estimating the property's value based on its potential to generate income.
  3. External Data Sources: Mention the use of external data sources such as public records, historical data, and market trends to supplement limited sales data.
  4. Professional Judgment: Highlight the importance of using your professional judgment and experience to make informed estimates.

Provide a specific example or scenario where you successfully appraised a property with limited comparable sales data to illustrate your approach. This will show your practical experience and problem-solving abilities.

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